In the moment neither an end-user documentation nor a source-code documentation is available. But we provide a brief "How-To setup a SICM"
- end user documentation
- About SICM
- How to set up a SICM
- source code documentation
About SICM

The scanning ion conductance microscopy (SICM) consists of an electrolyte-filled glass pipette lowered towards a sample non-conducting for ions. SICM is able to work in two modes, both known from standard electrophysiological measurements: current-clamp and voltage-clamp mode (and behindLight allows operating in both modes). SICM detects the change in conductance when the glass electrode is approached towards the surface and the gap between electrode tip and sample surface becomes smaller and the conductance of the system decreases.
Voltage-clamp mode
Between glass micropipette and bath a constant voltage (or, in pulse mode SICM, pulses of constant voltage) is applied and the resulting current is detected. When the glass electrode approaches the non-conducting sample, the resulting current decreases due to the smaller gap between detector tip and sample surface.
Current-clamp mode
In contrast to voltage-clamp mode in this mode a constant current (or constant current pulses) are applied and the necessary voltage is measured. If the gap between sample surface and electrode tip becomes smaller, conductivity decreases and the necessary voltage to produce a current of given height increases.